Fill Your Box

“Fill the secure box we send you with complete instructions, a prepaid mailing label and complete packaging material, with your pictures and videos. Mail it to us, and that’s it! We’ll do the rest.


Preview Online

Your collections are carefully converted to digital by our experts. We keep you updated on every step. You start to watch or download your media online as soon as we digitize it. As fast as the 2nd day after we receive it with the EXPRESS plan.


Enjoy & Preserve

Preserve your cherished heirlooms on our secure cloud, or ask for thumb drives or DVDs and we’ll send them with your media recorded.



How do I see and download my digital heirlooms?

Once we start to digitize, you’ll have access to a secure site in the cloud where you can watch and download your digital heirlooms as many times as you want. You’ll receive an exclusive and private link to access the site.  You can share the link with friends and family, granting them access to watch or download the digital heirlooms.  

How do I keep track of the process?

We’ll send emails informing every step of the process. These are when we receive the material, when we start to digitize it and upload the first pictures or videos, when we conclude uploading all the material sent, and when we send back the originals, informing the tracking number.

How is the quality of digitized content ensured?

Professional film digitization services use advanced technology to ensure the highest quality results. This may include color correction, restoration, and the removal of dust, scratches, and other imperfections.

What type of media can be digitized.

You can digitize a wide range of media, including VHS tapes, film reels, photographs, slides, negatives, audio cassettes, and more.

Learn more here.